Remote Holiday Parties on Zoom Don’t Have to Suck
With the election behind us, (it’s behind us, right?) I know my thoughts are turning to the holidays.
It’s clear now that they won’t be like ever before. Sure, you may not have to sit next to Uncle Rich at Thanksgiving dinner and listen to his QAnon conspiracies – we can and should celebrate these little victories – but there is a lot that we’re going to miss out on this season.
While there are plenty of things out of our control, there are some areas where we can bring some needed joy.
In the grand scheme of things, the company holiday party is not going to save Christmas – we’ll leave that to Ernest…

But in a year of tumult and an extremely disrupted work environment, it’s important to remind your employees that you have their back, that you appreciate their dedication, and that you want them to enjoy working for you. And an awkward, unfocused Zoom call just isn’t going to convey that important message.
You need to strike a delicate balance between providing an activity that encourages bonding without asking introverted employees to divulge personal information they aren’t comfortable sharing. You want something light-hearted, but focused enough not to seem like a waste of time. You want people to want to be there, and to appreciate being invited.
Seem like a tall order?

We have designed hilarious and engaging programs for the Zoom platform that your co-workers will actually enjoy. After a brief kick-off where company announcements or well-wishes can be shared, the participants are split into breakout rooms where we leverage the benefits of small-group dynamics. Each room is hosted by one of our lively game masters who keeps the energy up and the fun flowing. They will ensure that people are having a good time and that no one is sidelined in the activities.
Whether your team is more interested in party games, puzzles, or an escape room, is a question of your company’s culture, and we pride ourselves on matching the right program for each group.
If you’d like us to help you make this year’s party one to remember for good reasons, give us a call or get a free quote.